Our Story

We’re just doing our part to save the planet, with edible straws for drinks!

Single-use plastic straws may be small in size, but they are a big problem for our planet. These devilish little contraptions are so small that they end up everywhere, from our once-pristine beaches to our oceans, lakes, and waterways.They also end up in landfills where they take decades to decompose, gradually seeping all of their toxic chemicals into the soil and drinking water of both humans and wildlife alike.Scientists now predict that by the year 2025, there will be more pieces of plastic debris in our world’s oceans than fish! Something must be done!Here’s the story of why we created edible straws for drinks, and how the idea was born.

We’re Matthew and Peter, just two average guys from Canada who are on a mission to save the world, one straw at a time.

Our journey began quite unexpectedly. One night, we traveled down the street to our favorite Italian restaurant for dinner. As we were enjoying our spaghetti aglio e olio over a gin-and-tonic, a national news story appeared on the television hanging above the bar.

The disturbing images of whales and dolphins lying lifeless on the shorelines of Great Britain for as far as the eye could see was truly appalling.

We’re just doing our part to save the planet, with edible straws for drinks!

According to the news reporter, scientists now suspect that the enormous amounts of plastic trash, garbage, and other debris floating around in the ocean is at historic levels. To make things worse, our beautiful marine animals are mistaking this plastic for food.

Even more grotesque and gruesome, the news report continues, these majestic beasts of the ocean are gradually suffocating themselves to death by accidentally eating this plastic trash!

Since we had now lost our appetites completely, we put down the pasta and began discussing ways in which we might be able to do our part to help solve the problem. Since we couldn’t quit our jobs, jump on a plane, and fly to the UK to help out, we had to come up with another way to help.

Then, staring down at our plates of pasta, our gin-and-tonic, and two of those little, red stir sticks that come with every beverage – BOING! We had an idea. Edible straws (for drinks) would be our way to help. Begone, plastic straws!

We may not be able to “save the whales” single handedly, and we probably can’t stop all forms of plastic pollution. However, we could (and we did) come up with a better alternative to plastic straws and stir sticks – many of which are completely useless and automatically discarded by the customer as soon as the server delivers the beverage.

Our solution: Pasta + Straws = Pasta Straws! Edible straws for drinks are now a reality.

Okay, it’s not really pasta, but it’s pasta-like. It’s 100% biodegradable, and perfectly edible for humans and animals alike. And we’re not stopping with these edible straws for drinks.

Even making just one small change in your lifestyle – getting edible straws for drinks instead of plastic ones – will help you make a difference.

Over time, we hope to add more edible products to our company catalogue – and they will always be 100% environmentally friendly. But we began with edible straws for drinks, and we’ll always remember that.

For more information or to simply express your support for the global movement to ban plastic drinking straws, feel free to contact us anytime.